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De fin de Año Informe de

To support our continuing growth and vitality in ministry, we developed the 2024 End of Year Report — a brief but useful tool designed to identify key benchmarks and growth areas for each of our 388-member congregations.  Unlike similar reports of the past, this tool will provide us with information that will help frame our work together in 2025 and beyond.

Completion and submission of the form with supporting information is required of every conference church, so please begin gathering information now.  Along with basic contact information for your church’s clergy and lay leadership teams.  Here is the list of 10 statistics your church will be required to submit for 2024:

  1. Baptisms (Infant / Youth / Adult)
  2. Professions of Faith
  3. Worship attendance (in-person weekly average) (2023/2024)
  4. Professing Church Membership (YE 2023/ YE 2024)
  5. Wesleyan small groups / Class meetings / Bands (Y/N + number participating)
  6. Catechism classes (Y/N + number participating)
  7. Local /foreign missions participation 2024
  8. Adult & Children Bible study / Sunday School participation
  9. Clergy/Pastor Annual Evaluation (Y/N)
  10. Total Operating Income as of 12/31/24 (basis of connectional funding calculation)

• Clergy compensation is NOT included in this report.  It is now included in Church/Charge Conference reporting.

• El formulario requiere los nombres y la información de contacto de los delegados laicos de la Conferencia de 2025.

• The Form requires names and contact information for your key lay leadership and ministry area leaders.  Your most recent Church/Charge Conference document is a good resource for most of the contact information that will be requested.

Submit EOY Report
Trinity GMC
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