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Connectional Funding

Connectional Giving is an invitation for your church to join with your sisters and brothers to provide the financial resources needed for the creation of a healthy and vibrant denomination and conference dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed. The Trinity Conference (Formerly Eastern Texas) is dedicated to equipping local churches for multiplication and individuals for making disciples.

2024 Connectional Funding Rates

General Church=1%

Remit to:

The Global Methodist Church
P.O. Box 1360
King George, VA 22485

For questions regarding optional payment methods, please contact Ms. Janelle Rhodeback at

Trinity Conference=1.75%

Remit by postal mail to:
Trinity Annual Conference
6363 Research Forest Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

Remit through online payment: click HERE. 

For questions regarding optional payment methods, please contact Ms. Sarah Carter at

Paragraph 349 of the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplines

  1. Each local church of the Global Methodist Church contributes financially to the ministry of the Church beyond the local church through connectional funding. The local church treasurer or designee shall calculate the amount to be remitted in accordance with ¶¶ 349.3 and .4 by January 30 of each calendar year based on the prior year’s local church operating income.  (Please submit the church’s calculated sum through the End of Year Report if your church is a GMC church as of 12/31/2023. For churches joining after that date, please contact Ms. Sarah Carter, so that a prorated amount may be agreed upon.)
  2. Connectional funding shall not include amounts due from the local church for insurance benefits and pension contributions for its pastor(s) and any additional staff who are part of such plans of the Global Methodist Church. Such payments for insurance benefits and pension contributions for plan participants are due in addition to connectional funding remittances by the local church. (See payment instructions at | Resources | Benefits and Insurance.)
  3. In calculating the amount of connectional funding to be remitted,
    • the following items are to be included in local church operating income: giving from identified and not-identified donors, investment income utilized for operations, building use fees and rental income, and other unrestricted operating income.
    • the following items are to be excluded from local church operating income: benevolences (outside ministries supported by the local church), capital campaign receipts, borrowed funds, fundraisers for non-operating expenses, receipts for reduction of indebtedness, memorials, endowments, and bequests whether restricted or non-restricted, receipts for Global Methodist Church special mission programs, grants and support from other organizations, sales of land, buildings or other church assets, and other non-operating income received.
  4. The amount remitted by the local church for connectional funding shall be calculated as follows:
    • For general church connectional funding, not more than 1.5% of local church operating income (see ¶ 349.3) as set by the Transitional Leadership Council or the Convening General Conference. (For 2024 it remains 1%.)
    • For annual conference connectional funding, not more than 5% of local church operating income (see ¶ 349.3) as set by the Transitional Leadership Council or the respective annual conference. (For 2024 it is 1.75%.)
  5. The percentages in ¶ 349.4 shall only be increased upon the vote of two-thirds of the Transitional Leadership Council or of the convening General Conference.
  6. Each month the local church shall remit one-twelfth of the annual sum of general church connectional funding and annual conference connectional funding to the Transitional Leadership Council or its designee. (Remit the annual conference connectional funding to the address above for the Trinity annual conference.)
  7. The Transitional Leadership Council or its designee may designate a local church as a missional church and exempt such a church from paying general church or annual conference connectional funding for up to five years from the date of designation. Missional churches shall be church plants, church re-starts, or churches located in or serving economically disadvantaged communities.
  8. The pastor(s) and leadership of the local church shall interpret connectional funding to the members of the local church so that connectional funding is embraced by such membership and regularly share information with the members of the local church to educate and interpret such connectional funding. (We encourage the Presiding Elders of each charge conference to lead this effort.)
  9. The failure of a local church to remit connectional funding in full as calculated annually may result in the Transitional Leadership Council or designee proceeding under ¶¶ 354 to involuntarily disaffiliate the local church from the Global Methodist Church.


Trinity GMC
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