If you've been with us at any one of our Annual Conference gatherings, you've experienced it — an undeniable presence of the Holy Spirit filling the room and filling our hearts with passion to worship God and to share the love of Jesus Christ in a dark and hurting world. In these moments we capture glimpses of heaven, and we are left with a deep yearning for more as we seek to continually grow in our holiness of heart and life. These are moments too good not to share!
As we seek to build and advance our shared ministries in the Trinity Conference, we are also looking for ways to grow in holiness through a spirit of renewal and revival; not just once a year at Annual Conference but frequently through our area visits this fall and early spring.
We will be bringing revival on the road with powerful preaching, worship and prayer, so that members of our local churches can be encouraged and included in this movement of the Holy Spirit.
Please take a moment to watch our video message on this page. Start inviting members of your church to attend these special revival gatherings, and begin to pray for our families, communities and our world to be drawn closer to Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Please take a moment to watch this video message from President Pro Tem, Rev. Jim Welch, and Executive Officer, Rev. Jason Burnham.