Pastor Evaluation Forms


Pastors in the Global Methodist Church commit themselves to “going on to perfection,” being made perfect in love in this life. (Matthew 5:48)

Effective GMC pastors: 

  • Exhibit a commitment to Christ as Savior and Lord and nurture and cultivate spiritual disciplines and patterns of holiness, including responsible self-control by exhibiting personal habits that are conducive to bodily health, mental and emotional maturity, integrity in all relationships, fidelity in a Christian marriage between one man and one woman, chastity in singleness, social responsibility, and the knowledge and love of God.
  • Devote themselves to the work of ministry, effectively communicating the Christian faith, accepting the authority of scripture, and being competent in the disciplines of Scripture, theology, church history, and polity.
  • Possess and practice the essential skills necessary for pastoral ministry.
  • Lead in making disciples of Jesus Christ; and spreading scriptural holiness across the globe.
  • Hold themselves accountable to the church, accept its doctrinal standards, discipline, and authority, and accept the supervision of those appointed to the ministry of oversight.

(Adapted from 505, The Book of Doctrines and Disciplines, The Global Methodist Church.)

No pastor possesses all the gifts for ministry expected of pastoral leaders, and no pastor practices those gifts perfectly.  However, by equipping all lay and clergy members of the body of Christ to work together and use their gifts for ministry, pastors can help lead churches to make and multiply disciples of Jesus Christ.

In a healthy church, in which pastors and lay leaders recognize they are mutually accountable for a successful ministry, annual evaluation becomes essential.  Annual evaluations offer opportunities for church lay leaders and pastors to “speak the truth in love,” to communicate with one another concerning pastoral effectiveness in transparent, respectful, loving ways, and identify paths that may lead to more fruitful ministry.

The Book of Doctrines and Disciplines of the Global Methodist Church (BoDD) requires that church Pastor-Parish Relations Committees (or their equivalent):“Encourage, strengthen, nurture, support and respect the pastor(s)… and their family(ies)” (¶445.8.a)

  1. “Confer with and counsel the pastor(s)… on matters relating to their effectiveness in ministry; assessing their unique gifts and abilities; priorities in the use of gifts, skills, and time; relationships with the congregation; and the person’s health and self-care, including conditions that may impede their effectiveness of ministry; and interpret the nature and function of the ministry to the congregation, while interpreting the congregation’s needs, values, and traditions to the pastor(s)…” (¶445.8.c); and
  2. “Provide evaluation at least annually for the use of the pastor(s)… staff to enhance their effective ministry and to identify continuing educational needs and plans” (¶445.8. d).

Evaluating pastors annually is required in the Global Methodist Church because it is mutually helpful to both your pastor and your Pastor-Parish Relations Committee members.  The performance evaluation process may serve as a resource in merit-based compensation decisions.


Below are 4 evaluation forms to equip your church. If your church is already using a form and it works for your church, you are encouraged to continue with what you have. If you would like to change or start the evaluation process with your pastor, look through the offerings below and see which one most suits your local setting.
Trinity GMC
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